Shit me things have been busy recently! Sorry to anybody who's been waiting eagerly for news, especially about when we're getting started. Things
have been happening, but due to a hectic schedule and the fact that it's just me blogging at the moment (though this will soon change) I haven't kept things up to date on here (slapped wrist!).
First and foremost, then, details of the workshop...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm / 16:00 - 18:00
Location: CILASS, Information Commons, 44 Leavygreave Road, Sheffield
Only 24 places available, first come, first serve. We're looking to recruit our entire team (cast and crew) as early as possible, so all participants will be invited to get involved with the show in some way, shape or form. That said, there are no strings attached, so don't be afraid to come along even if you don't want to commit!
Now for what you need to bring:
- Comfortable clothing (and clean socks!)
- Your U-card (so you can get into the building - sorry to non-students!)
- Digital Recording Devices (laptops, cameras, camcorders, mp3 players/recorders); N.B. any equipment you bring is at your own risk.
- A random item of costume (in the broadest sense)
- A mask, a prop, or some kind of unbreakable object
- We'll also be asking you to fill in a couple of forms, so make sure you know your contact details, and bring your measurements if you happen to know them.
Facebook Event ListingWe're also running one next week (at a slightly different time), so check the event listing for
more details of number two.
Other than this, I have been meeting up with various directors, performers, and lecturers, have seen performances at the RSC and at the
Capital Centre (another CETL, a bit like CILASS), and have been to a "Network Event"(!). Will write up all of this and more, but for now hope to see some of you tomorrow!