Anyway, as previously mentioned there will be nine of us heading down to stay at mine tomorrow in order to get up bright and early and visit the V&A "Collaborators" exhibition, a word which has unfortunately become rather negative in my mind of late as I'm still "hard at work" on an essay on Sartre and Vichy France. This has however focussed my mind onto ideas of memory, particularly collective memory, and potentially how subjective memory is challenged by the increase in data collection and video recording in our society. Can't get away from relating everything to this bloody play! :)
About Us
theatre two point oh # was originally conceived as a joint collaboration between CILASS and suTCo at the University of Sheffield. The idea, quite simply, was to create a play, from scratch, collaboratively. The result was "Surveillance", involving the input of over 30 contributors, performed in May 2008 at the University of Sheffield Drama Studio.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
IC Squared
Both today and yesterday I met up with Laura, Rob NJ and Matt to talk about the direction of the script - we were attempting to define the core plotlines and to concretise (yes, it is a word Laura!) what we have already created. Today we were joined by Jenny - we hadn't intentionally excluded anyone, it just so happened that as a sub-grouping we had bumped into each other in the IC* and decided to have these two informal meetings. It has to be said that the smaller group size probably did allow us to accomplish a little more than we would have done in a larger (albeit better organised) meeting.
We constructed a timeline of the main plot using index cards*, and created a kind of family tree of (principal) characters. We're going to have to cast fairly soon, as the play will open in five weeks (well, five weeks yesterday in fact), and we're now aiming to finish the script within a week. At the same time we took the opportunity to pilfer some food from some kind of conference in Colab 1 - apparently it's to do with a magazine that coincidentally features an article called something along the lines of "Video Recording Theatre for Education", which could be quite interesting...
Anyway, as previously mentioned there will be nine of us heading down to stay at mine tomorrow in order to get up bright and early and visit the V&A "Collaborators" exhibition, a word which has unfortunately become rather negative in my mind of late as I'm still "hard at work" on an essay on Sartre and Vichy France. This has however focussed my mind onto ideas of memory, particularly collective memory, and potentially how subjective memory is challenged by the increase in data collection and video recording in our society. Can't get away from relating everything to this bloody play! :)
Anyway, as previously mentioned there will be nine of us heading down to stay at mine tomorrow in order to get up bright and early and visit the V&A "Collaborators" exhibition, a word which has unfortunately become rather negative in my mind of late as I'm still "hard at work" on an essay on Sartre and Vichy France. This has however focussed my mind onto ideas of memory, particularly collective memory, and potentially how subjective memory is challenged by the increase in data collection and video recording in our society. Can't get away from relating everything to this bloody play! :)
index cards,
information commons,
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